Progressive Insurance continues to entertain and educate young homeowners with their beloved "Parenta-life coach," Dr. Rick (played by Bill Glass), in two new 30-second spots t...
Arnold Worldwide, the creative force behind iconic spokesperson Flo and the beloved Parenta-life coach, Dr. Rick, has introduced two new animated characters for the Progressive...
ADP has joined forces with Arnold Worldwide for a creative collaboration aimed at reshaping perspectives on adapting to workplace changes.
The brand campaign seeks to ...
Sorry, Affleck. Some habits are hard to break. Former Batman, the best Batman, Ben Affleck, is back for his third Dunkin' appearance this year, and this time, he's joined by ...
As football season kicks off with thrilling on-field action and off-field disputes, Progressive's NFL campaign, "Replay," makes a triumphant return to remind viewers that ther...
No one has a to-do list quite as endless as a small business owner, and when it comes to the incessant tasks, there’s one that can seem especially daunting and time-consuming...
Progressive Insurance and creative agency Arnold Worldwide have been settling arguments this football season with their Replay campaign.
In the third spot, “Cat,” launc...
AmeriSave and Arnold Worldwide are back at it again to show the company’s “lower than low” rates. And this time, they’re enlisting celebrity producer and musician CeeLo...
To bolster awareness on the simple truths of home buying, AmeriSave Mortgage, one of the fastest-growing privately-held mortgage lenders in the nation, and creative agency Arn...
Advertising recruiters may need to start hanging out at places like the Comedy Cellar or The Laugh Factory to find new talent. As advertising agencies continue to seek new and ...
In its first campaign to target Gen Z, Progressive and the creative team at Arnold have tapped into Ed Helms’ (The Office, The Hangover, National's Lampoon's Vacation) musica...
This month is National Child Abuse Prevention Month, an annual observance dedicated to raising awareness and preventing child abuse.
To mark the initiative, Boston-based&nb...
The NFL season is upon us. Thank god! And with that, comes the return of one of our favorite Progressive TV campaigns – “At Home with Baker Mayfield.”
Now in its thi...
Arnold’s funny bone is at work again for long-tenured client Progressive. But this time it’s to highlight the insurance company’s commercial offering. Arnold’s latest w...
When you think of Artificial Intelligence, do flowers come to mind? How about forests, leaves, trees or waves? If the concept of the natural world doesn’t automatically conju...
Academy Award-winning actress Octavia Spencer (Shape of Water, Hidden Figures, Ma, The Help) today joined the Ruderman Family Foundation in calling on the entertainment indus...
Serial female entrepreneur, Stacy Madison is facing adversity head-on during the COVID-19 pandemic doing what feels right, as what started as helping her community has spread c...
At a time of record unemployment, Dunkin' has been an essential, trusted part of the communities it serves, with approximately 90% of Dunkin' restaurants open to help keep Amer...
According to Ad Age more than 35,000 advertising professionals have been laid off or furloughed due to the novel coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic. That's a lot of art directors, a...
All across America, there are young people making big differences in their communities, proving that you don't have to be grown-up to step up. From care package creators, to fa...