Up, Up and Away! This weekend, Dwayne Johnson brought the DC Extended Universe back to life with his first superhero film, Black Adam. The film punched its way to $67 million a...
Following teasers featuring Batman and Superman, director Zack Snyder has dropped another character focused tease for Justice League. To mark International Women's Day, he ha...
There are now less than two weeks to go before the premiere of Zack Snyder's Justice League on HBO Max. The other day, the director released a Batman-centric :60-second traile...
HBO Max has revealed new key art and consumer programs for the Max Original film ZACK SNYDER’S JUSTICE LEAGUE. The film will be made available worldwide in all markets d...
Here we go. HBO Max has announced that the long awaited Zack Snyder's Justice League will premiere Thursday, March 18 on HBO Max.
The release of the film will be supported a...
Here we go. The hopeful will grow more hopeful and the haters will just sharpen their knives. Director Zack Snyder has officially announced that reshoots are now underway on hi...
Francis Ford Coppola tinkered with the Godfather and Apocalypse Now forever. George Lucas made Star Wars Episodes 4-6 barely recognizable from when the films were first releas...
With it being Rosh Hashanah, we are going to take this rumor about Warner Bros. and DC with a huge grain of Kosher salt. According to Comic Book Movie, who is sourcing The...
We are just two days from the highly-anticipated DC FanDome, a virtual celebration of all things DC. It's here we expect to see our first glimpse of Matt Reeves' The Batman, a ...
If your villain sucks, in both personality and look, then chances are the film will suck, too. That was the case with the Joss Whedon (the theatrical cut) version of Justice Le...
In the infamous Death of Superman DC comic book run, which ran from 1992-1993, Superman wore a black Kryptonian suit when he was eventually resurrected. So, it was always assum...
Off the top of my head, I cannot think of a single film, definitely not of the comic book genre, where the effort tanked at the box office, was generally panned by critics and ...
When you piss off your girlfriend or wife, depending on the level of anger you've achieved, you buy flowers, or a bracelet to apologize. Sometimes it's a BMW i8. Other times, ...
There will be justice for director Zach Snyder after all. After global passionate fan calls to action and the #ReleaseTheSnyderCut movement, HBO Max and Warner B...
The Geek has always liked British thespian Henry Cavill as Superman. In fact, he has said numerous times that the highly underrated Man of Steel (2013) is one of the best super...