Level Two Studios, LLC the region’s new, premiere, all-inclusive production facility, recently opened in Springfield offering the optimal environment for professional, fu...
After successfully completing principal photography on the pilot episode in Oklahoma earlier this year, FX has announced a full series order of the half-hour comedy Reservation...
The Oklahoma Film + Music Office (OF+MO) believes the highest priority to maintain our state's film industry amid the COVID-19 Pandemic is the safety of Oklahoma's filmmakers, ...
Editor's Note: This is a reprint of a blog that first appeared on Medium.com. It is reprinted with Richard Jane's permission.
Production, exhibition, and good old fashion p...
The Directors Guild Foundation (DGF) today announced the creation of the DGF COVID-19 Emergency Relief Fund to aid members facing financial crisis. With the coronavirus pandemi...
Not only has the Coronavirus COVID-19 shut down the entertainment industry for union workers, it is having an impact on the industry's freelance and contract workers as well. T...
Last year, Chicago Fire writer and WGA board member Liz Alper alongside Jamarah Hayner and Deirdre Mangan formed #payuphollywood, an activist group built to organize Hollywood ...
The Association of Commercial Producers, (AICP) announced today that for the time being all of its in-person events and programming are paused. This includes the AICP Awards, w...
A 30-SECOND SPOT, "Our Bar" from FCB and produced by Radical Media for Michelob ULTRA — the fastest growing beer brand in the U.S. — bowed on Sunday’s Super Bowl.The spot ...
321 Fast Draw studio is currently working on unique animations for two high profile sporting events: A 2.5-minute segment for Fox TV’s Super Bowl’s Pre-Game Show this Sunday...
BORDEN® CHEESE TARGETS BUSY MOMS in an integrated campaign — including Martha Stewart’s Facebook Live show, the first for a cheese brand — from VSA Partners for marketing...