Currently screening exclusively in theaters, Columbia Pictures’ Uncharted centers on street-smart Nathan Drake (Tom Holland) who is recruited by seasoned treasure hunter Vi...
As an acclaimed actress with a 50-year career resulting in an Oscar, two Tonys, two Emmy awards, a Golden Globe, three BAFTAs, and the Best Actress accolade at The Cannes Film ...
Show producers Will Packer and Shayla Cowan today announced the next wave of star presenters headed to the stage for the 94th Oscars.
The lineup includes Daniel Kaluuya...
Every child dreams of finding their ideal dog, often sketching and doodling their imaginary furry friend hoping that it will jump off the page and come to life. Now, the Pedigr...
Returning to an in-person ceremony after going virtual, the 2022 Costume Designers Guild Awards on Wednesday night. Dune, Coming 2 America and Cruella were the film winners at...
ASICS’ “Always in Motion” campaign has launched, fresh off the announcement that Wheelhouse Labs is the new creative & entertainment marketing (AOR) for ASICS Sport...
Leading petcare brand Hartz has named creative and media agency Cutwater, with offices in San Francisco and New York City, as its creative and media agency of record, following...
To kick off NCAA March Madness, Buick is launching “See Her Greatness,” a campaign designed to drive awareness and magnify the achievements of female athletes.
Over ...
To commemorate the one-year anniversary of the “One Square Foot” campaign launch, Air Wick is continuing their partnership with World Wildlife Fund (WWF) and their joint co...
The Visual Effects Society (VES) held the 20th Annual VES Awards, the prestigious yearly celebration that recognizes outstanding visual effects artistry and innovation in film,...
The Gentleman of Crime is moving from the big screen to the somewhat big screen in most cases. HBO Max has given a straight-to-series order to The Penguin(working title), a li...
Bay Area native Caroline Johnson is a senior copywriter who recently joined leading San Francisco agency Muh-tay-zik / Hof-fer.
Though she graduated with a degree in visual ...
Trigger Warning: The following article contains mentions of sexual assault that may be disturbing to some readers. The documentary-style short film Love, Laugh, Doom, Tears, wr...
Matt Reeves’ The Batman opened on March 4, 2022 and he and his team of impeccable designers and actors have created one of the greatest Batman movies of all time. Move over, ...