In 2002, one of the original "Mad Man," John McGarry left his CEO position at Y&R along with Gorden Bowen and Stewart Owen to launch revered creative shop, mcgarrybowen. At...
It's almost over. Dear 2020, the Reel 360 team must not-so-politely ask you to get the f*ck out of our collective lives. Don't pout. Don't be insulted. We endured you for 365 d...
We're getting a supercalifragilisticexpialidocious vibe from this new merger. Welcome to the world of Dentsumcgarrybowen. Listed as a part of Dentsu Aegis Network, the new org...
As we enter the sixth week of lockdowns and working from home due to the global health crisis, agencies are finally beginning to feel the impact as more were laid off and/or fu...
March 21 was The International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination.' It's easy to forget as the world has been in a global crisis due to the Coronavirus COVID-19 p...
Talk about a "bromance" for food. A new national campaign for Subway features football stars JJ, TJ, and Derek Watt. The three are featured to spotlight Subway's BOGO Footlong ...
Jennifer Zimmerman, Global Chief Strategy officer at mcgarrybowen, today has shown some Valentine's Day love to Jamie Shuttleworth and Shawna Ross by elevating them to leaders ...
Jon Dupuis, Global President, mcgarrybowen, announced that Lucia Grillo has been promoted to U.S. Chief Operating Officer. Grillo joined mcgarrybowen as Head of Operations only...
Tired of reading about all the Super Bowl spots airing yet? Well, don't fall asleep on this one, because we at Reel 360 embrace dumb humor. And Reese's first Super Bowl spot ev...
Brands are now coming out in full force (see what I did there?) for their cross-promotions with the film that could possibly outgross this year's Avengers: Endgame. Yes, we're t...