Space Jam: A New Legacy opens today in theaters and is currently streaming on HBO Max. The sequel to the 25-year-old original starring Michael Jordan, presents a new-age take o...
While the budding filmmaking career of Courtney Hoffman has only just begun, she’s anything but green. This costumer designer turned filmmaker has a lush 10-year career as a...
July 14, 2021 was a big day for the Princess of Pop, Britney Spears, in a Los Angeles courtroom where she demanded to be heard by Judge Brenda Penny as well as the entire natio...
The last three episodes of Loki have created more chaos, confusion, and questions than anyone could have possibly anticipated. Who's producing this anyway, the God of Mischie...
Allianz, Worldwide Insurance Partner of the Olympic & Paralympic Movements, celebrated Olympic Day by launching global programs designed to provide more confidence and ment...
Anneke Schoneveld has created her first stop motion commercial for Lucky Charms and Cartoon Network with Portland Oregon animation studio Bent Image Lab.
This epic space od...
Dentsu Italy and the agency's ten clients (Sky, Nestlé, Very Mobile, Fastweb, Plasmon, KFC, Engie, Pringles, WindTre, Heinz) celebrate Pride with a rainbow creativity -- an a...
On the sixth day of the Cannes Film Festival, Flag Day premiered and divisive director Sean Penn had a lot to say about it and former President Donald Trump.
Based on th...
An average of three positive COVID tests a day have occurred at The Cannes Film Festival, but at the star-studded event, there are only raves and more standing ovations.
Underscoring its commitment to a strong, values-driven company culture, branding and experience design agency Handsome has welcomed talent management leader Stephanie Maillet...