The production professionals comprising Universal Studios Florida's Production Group (USFPG) are ready to welcome the next round of film, TV and commercial productions to their...
The organizers behind the 5th annual Hollywood Comedy Shorts Film Festival are thrilled to announce the 2020 Comedy Winners. The first-ever virtual edition of the festival stre...
This campaign from Havas agency Annex88 and its client Keurig is a perfect give-back story for this time of year - the kind of story that makes the Reel 360 Team use its own Ke...
The director of Honey Boy, Alma Har’el has released a statement supporting FKA Twigs, following this weeks sexual battery allegations against Shia LaBeouf.
In early 2019,...
This January, Frito-Lay will launch its first-ever “New Year New You” campaign starring not only an array of snacks, but ALSO 80’s chart-topper Rick Astley, who will assu...
FCB New York and FDA’s Center for Tobacco Products today announced that they have launched the next installment of “Little Lungs,” an effective smoking prevention campaig...
Sigh, first Darth Vader. Now we have lost Boba Fett. Reel 360 is sad to report that actor Jeremy Bulloch, who embodied the character of Boba Fett in Star Wars: The Empire Strik...
Pornhub has announced a comprehensive safeguards in user-generated platform history when it implemented a series of policies and practices to help ensure the safety of the Porn...
On Thursday December 10, 2020, The Walt Disney Company hosted their webcast for Their Investor Day. Bob Chapek, Chief Executive Officer, The Walt Disney Company, and Bob Iger, ...
A Can Has No Name," created by PepsiCo Design & Innovation, New York City, for Mtn Dew and Game of Thrones superfans, won Best of Show/Grand Prix in the 2020 Mobius Awards ...