Andy and Ashley McEntire, co-owners of Indie Atlantic Films and Concord Coffee, announced today the launch of Give Visuals Inc., which will bring together filmmakers, creative a...
Teleflora's in-house agency, The Wonderful Agency, have teamed up with director Jamie McCelland to create a wonderfully humorous spot that pays matriarchs for Mothers Day.
We're all aware of Generation X, Generation Y, Generation Z, The Pepsi Generation. Now McCann NY and March for Our Lives wants to introduce us to "Generation Lockdown."
It is...
JWT Brazil, Coca-Cola No Sugar and Marvel Studios have assembled to craft a great new spot that ties in perfectly of Avengers: Endgame. And like Thanos' snap, the work affects t...
Royal Bank of Canada has launched a powerful new ad campaign on April 29 to promote "RBC Future Launch," the financial institution’s 10-year, $500-million commitment to help e...