In an unusual turn of events, a convergence of four fresh wide releases graced the cinema scene this weekend. Thanksgiving, an annual spectacle, cast its enchantment over this...
Universal and Blumhouse's Five Nights at Freddy's exceeded all pre-release expectations, raking in an impressive $78 million within its first three days, and taking the #1 spo...
The Super Mario Bros. Movie is the #1 movie in America for the 4th week in a row and has earned $40 million this weekend, $490 million overall in America, and $1.022 billion wo...
After reigning over the box office for the past 7 weeks, Disney’s Avatar: The Way of Water has been knocked down to third place below the two new titles Universal’s Knock a...
F9 is the ninth chapter in the Fast & Furious Saga, which has endured for two decades and has earned more than $5 billion around the world.
Vin Diesel’s Dom Tor...