New York Times bestselling author and two-time Golden Globe Award winner Jim Carrey will take on the role of Vice President Joe Biden for the upcoming 46th season of Saturday ...
61 days until Doomsday… a.k.a. Election Day. It’s no secret The Lincoln Project has made their decision to cast their ballots to vote out Donald J. Trump, failed commander-...
After the RNC Convention concluded its four nights of misleading stats and other lies, the United States is clearly at a crossroads. Never has voting been more important. Ahead...
History has been made after presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden made the most important political decision of his career. The former Vice-President (8 years under Barack O...
President Trump’s re-election campaign returned to the television airwaves Monday with two new ads in a group of key states which are among the earliest to allow people to be...
A week ago at his campaign rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma, attended by 6,200 people, President Trump addressed coronavirus COVID-19 testing in the United States by saying, he ordered...
It's Vice-President Joe Biden's show now. Sen. Bernie Sanders, who once held a commanding lead in the Democratic primary, has now withdrawn from the presidential race. He has ...
Super Tuesday has come and gone. With Democratic Presidential hopeful Vice-President Joe Biden surging to victory, bolstered by Black, Suburban and educated voters in the South...
In keeping with President's Day, Democratic presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg went after progressive, Democratic Socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders's (I-Vt.) supporters, ...