It’s Vice-President Joe Biden’s show now. Sen. Bernie Sanders, who once held a commanding lead in the Democratic primary, has now withdrawn from the presidential race. He has acknowledged that Biden is too far ahead and has the party’s support to take on Donald Trump.
Sanders made the announcement in a call with his campaign staff, his campaign said. He then tweeted out his decision, saying, “Today I am suspending my campaign. But while the campaign ends, the struggle for justice continues on.”
The Vermont senator’s announcement makes Biden the presumptive Democratic nominee in November. Bernie held a conference at 11:45 a.m. ET.
Today I am suspending my campaign. But while the campaign ends, the struggle for justice continues on. https://t.co/MYc7kt2b16
— Bernie Sanders (@BernieSanders) April 8, 2020
ALSO READ: Bloomberg drops out of race, supports Biden
Sanders’ departure from the race delivers a disappointing blow to progressives, who were passionate and vocal about Sanders’ re-imagining of health care, climate change and economic inequality. Here are some reactions:
Thank you, Bernie.
— Young America For Biden ? (@YAForJoeBiden) April 8, 2020
Although we may be different on the issues, we share a common goal;
we must defeat Trump. pic.twitter.com/YaXX9qOF5O
If you give up on the movement because Bernie is out of the race, then you’ve missed the whole point.
— Robert Emmons Jr. (@r_emmonsJr) April 8, 2020
It isn't RIP Bernie, it's RIP U.S.A. This was our last chance to possibly have a country worth living in. No matter how you slice it from here, it's 4 more years of Trump and the same shitty politics that has ruined this country. We're truly fucked now.
— ?? Stephen Fish ?? (@StephenFish_LA) April 8, 2020
Damn Bernie is out of the race. pic.twitter.com/LweC7kIHPO
— Jr Gong, Jr. (@Jun_The_Creator) April 8, 2020
I never thought this issue would be re-released…Wow Bernie . #BernieDropOut Damn Bernie! pic.twitter.com/Pk9YTHM9w4
— david4real (@Dart_4) April 8, 2020
Even as his popularity grew, it wasn’t enough for the Vermont senator to broaden his support. The Bern has been doused.
SOURCE: Twitter