Super Tuesday has come and gone. With Democratic Presidential hopeful Vice-President Joe Biden surging to victory, bolstered by Black, Suburban and educated voters in the South, candidate Michael Bloomberg has withdrawn from the race and thrown his support behind Biden.
In an email that went out to supporters this morning Bloomberg thanked them for his support and reiterated his overall goal of beating incumbent President Donald Trump in the fall election.
“I’ve always believed that defeating Donald Trump starts with uniting behind the candidate with the best shot to do it. After yesterday’s vote, it is clear that candidate is my friend and a great American, Joe Biden.
I’ve known Joe for a very long time. I know his decency, his honesty, and his commitment to the issues that are so important to our country — including gun safety, health care, climate change, and good jobs.”
One thing set Bloomberg apart from the rest of the Democratic field is money. The billionaire spent millions on television and digital ads to propel his campaign and quickly built a staff of more than 2,400 people by offering top dollar to a range of political operatives.
Bloomberg’s campaign’s spending dwarfed the other candidates, was banking on strong showings in Oklahoma, Arkansas, North Carolina, Tennessee and parts of Texas, according to aides.
But it was clear by the end of the night on Tuesday that the support they believed they had did not materialize. Bloomberg’s decision to get out now comes shortly after Biden received the endorsements of former South Bend, Indiana Pete Buttigieg, Minnesota Sen. Amy Klobuchar, both of whom ended their campaigns and quickly backed Biden. According to CNN, the two spoke this morning via phone.
Biden took to Twitter to thank Mike Bloomberg today after the former New York mayor endorsed him.
Biden wrote in a tweet tagging Bloomberg, “I can’t thank you enough for you support.”
.@MikeBloomberg, I can’t thank you enough for your support—and for your tireless work on everything from gun safety reform to climate change. This race is bigger than candidates and bigger than politics. It’s about defeating Donald Trump, and with your help, we’re gonna do it.
— Joe Biden (Text Join to 30330) (@JoeBiden) March 4, 2020
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Trump reacts to Bloomberg’s decision
No stranger to expressing his views on Twitter, the President immediately lobbed Twitter bombs at the former New York mayor.
“I could have told him long ago that he didn’t have what it takes, and he would have saved himself a billion dollars,” President Trump tweeted and went on the attack, ignoring Russian election meddling (again), Coronavirus, a tanking stock market and what else?
Mini Mike Bloomberg just “quit” the race for President. I could have told him long ago that he didn’t have what it takes, and he would have saved himself a billion dollars, the real cost. Now he will pour money into Sleepy Joe’s campaign, hoping to save face. It won’t work!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 4, 2020
Mini Mike, “Three months ago I entered the race for President to defeat Donald Trump, (and I failed miserably!).
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 4, 2020
Mini Mike Bloomberg will now FIRE Tim O’Brien, and all of the fools and truly dumb people who got him into this MESS. This has been the worst, and most embarrassing, experience of his life…and now on to Sleepy Joe!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 4, 2020
Trump also added that now Bloomberg will pour money into former VP Joe Biden’s campaign “hoping to save face” and “it won’t work.”
With the Democratic nominee race quickly becoming a 2-man contest between Biden and Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren still has yet to make a decision. She is closer in policy to Sanders, but their relationship is strained.
It’s said that aides believe a support for Biden, could put her on track as a leading candidate for Vice-President.
CNN contributed to this article.

Colin Costello is the West Coast Editor of Reel 360. Contact him at colin@reel360.com or follow him on Twitter at @colinthewriter1