HBO Max today announced it has ordered the adult animated series Santa Inc. from global content leader Lionsgate featuring voice performances by leads Sarah Silverman and Se...
On Wednesday evening, Warner Bros. Television Presidents Susan Rovner and Brett Paul held a conference call with showrunners and executive producers to detail how the studio is...
The Geek has always liked British thespian Henry Cavill as Superman. In fact, he has said numerous times that the highly underrated Man of Steel (2013) is one of the best super...
Have you ever thought about how much time you've spent cooking lately? Especially in quarantine? Believe us when we say The Reel 360 Team has upped our culinary skills substant...
The Geek loves himself some Florence Pugh. Whether she is terrifying us in something like Midsommer or delighting us with her Academy Award-nominated role in Little Women, she ...
Mark Wenneker, MullenLowe’s U.S. Chief Creative Officer, is leaving the IPG agency due the financial impact of Covid-19. His departure comes just a month after the shop laid...
Dickey’s Barbecue Pit is honoring superhero moms everywhere by encouraging fans to share the best motherly advice they’ve ever received or given in celebration of Mother’...