DIRECTV's latest campaign extension, "Bird Ballparks," is an imaginative collaboration with legendary pitcher Randy Johnson and offers a fun and unexpected twist on the brand's...
In an unprecedented move that merges two titans of pop culture, The Walt Disney Company and Coca-Cola have joined forces to launch Coca-Cola x Marvel: The Heroes. This innovati...
In a groundbreaking move, Burger King is challenging societal norms and taboos surrounding desire among older individuals with a remarkable campaign for its 70th birthday. The ...
DIRECTV is making a splash with its latest campaign titled "For The Birds," showcasing the innovative DIRECTV Gemini device and featuring two disgruntled pigeon spokebirds voic...
In Apple's newest commercial for the iPhone 15 Pro, longer battery life takes center stage, but not without evoking a sense of longing from an unexpected source—a power outle...
Insurance giant Geico known for its memorable advertising campaigns, has thawed out one of its iconic characters — the Caveman.
The character gained fame in 2004 with the...
The Bear star has gone, well, bare. Almost. In a scorching debut, Emmy-nominated actor Jeremy Allen White sets the stage ablaze as he graces Calvin Klein's latest underwear ad ...
Rock & Roll Hall of Fame inductee and two-time Grammy Award-winning Hip-Hop icon LL COOL J has joined forces with Progressive’s Parenta-Life Coach Dr. Rick for a memorab...
VIZIO takes a bold leap into the future with its groundbreaking campaign, "Watch us," in collaboration with David&Goliath (D&G). The campaign marks a pivotal moment fo...
In a nostalgic nod to the '90s, Pepsi has teamed up once again with basketball legend Shaquille O'Neal, reviving the iconic partnership that produced some of the most memorabl...
You should be shopping yeah! Shopping yeah! That's the message of this holiday-themed commercial that hits the right note and moves for Capital One.
Hollywood legend J...
With the Hollywood strikes seemingly drawing to a close, Apple's iPhone 15 Pro steps into the limelight in a delicious musical-inspired campaign that pays homage to the magic ...
Well isn't this fetch? Walmart, one of the retail giants known for its Black Friday deals, is taking an innovative approach to this year's holiday shopping event by partnering...
Halloween is creeping up on us once again, and like clockwork, brands are jumping on the spine-chilling bandwagon with their marketing campaigns, products, and stunts, ranging...
Our Reel Ad of the Week is a new TV ad that blends humor with a lesson in economics. The New Hampshire Lottery has created a clever parody of the classic Saturday Night Live "...
There are some agencies and brands who talk a good game about being progressive in their approach to branding. But the creative work never quite gets there. Then there are age...
Are you ready for a spooktacular Halloween season? Jack in the Box certainly is, and they've cooked up some spine-tingling surprises to make this October a frightfully delicio...
Game recognizes Game. Philadelphia Eagles' star quarterback, Jalen Hurts, certainly has it, taking the beloved Iggles to the Super Bowl last year. And Dr. Dre has had it since...
In a bold and darkly humorous move, Lionsgate has taken parody to a whole new level by recreating an almost shot-for-shot ad featuring Billy the Puppet from the Saw franchise....
Get ready to score big on laughs and savings as insurance titan State Farm kicks off its uproarious NFL campaign!
This touchdown of a campaign, brought to life by our ...