Amid President Trump declaring the United States in a “State of Emergency,” due to the COVID-19 pandemic, agencies, production companies and post-production houses are now reacting. Award-winning Ataboy Studios, based in New York, has just released a statement to its clients and employees that it plans to take its business online. Read the full statement below:
“Dear Clients and Friends of Ataboy
Amid the progression of COVID-19, we at Ataboy have implemented telecommuting starting Monday, March 16th. Ataboy remains committed to providing highly responsive and exemplary service to our clients. Safeguarding the health of our clients, staff, and communities where we live and work is of equal importance.
Ataboy has in place the necessary infrastructure for artists, animators and editors to continue working from home workstations. We have adequate tools to work efficiently from remote locations to continue business as usual.
We are prepared in following CDC and WHO guidelines and refrain from visiting public spaces and protecting the health and safety of our clients and staff.
We thank you for your continued support.
Team Ataboy
ALSO READ: Will COVID-19 slow down commercial productions?
Reel 360 and Reel Chicago will do our best to keep you up-to-date with the rapidly changing situation.
SOURCE: Ataboy Studios