Amid the backdrop of devastating wildfires sweeping across Los Angeles, the Screen Actors Guild announced the 2025 SAG Awards nominees via press release, bypassing the original...
As devastating wildfires continue to displace residents across Los Angeles County, is partnering with 211 LA to provide free temporary housing to those forced to eva...
The Writers Guild of America (WGA) announced Wednesday that it is postponing the release of its annual awards nominations to next week due to the devastating wildfires affectin...
Production in Los Angeles came to an abrupt halt on Wednesday as devastating wildfires continue to ravage neighborhoods in Pacific Palisades, Altadena, and Sylmar. The fires, w...
It is now Day 3 of a series of fast-moving wildfires that continue to wreak havoc across the Los Angeles area, destroying homes, prompting mass evacuations, and deteriorating a...