Truthfully, we have all become a little obsessed with baking these days. But for The New Blank, the cake craze was sparked with the opportunity to rebrand the classic Food Network Challenge. Cake decorators, sugar artists, and chocolatiers come together for the ultimate sugar buzz on this truly binge-worthy show.
For the rebrand, The New Blank developed a bold sequence that conveys the sense of invention and planning that’s baked into the show.
Once The New Blank established the vernacular, they went to work on getting it to read well in quick bursts. The team created the tent fabric in 3D with the ability to update quickly for new art to promote different themes throughout the year.
The designers initial sketches for the cake ended up being used in the blueprint art that is featured prominently in the graphics package.
Eat it up, below:

ALSO READ: The New Blank kicks off ABC’s NFL Draft 2020
CLIENT: Food Network
- Director of Production and Operations, Brand Creative: Theresa Medina
- Design Director: Brian Keenan
- Art Director: Gregory St. Amand
- Production Coordinator: Madeline Malloy
- Print Production Manager: Darchelle McCeary
- Executive Creative Director: Bobby Hougham
- Creative Director: Eric Edwards
- Designed by: Eric Edwards, Marcus Kulik, Vince Diga, Mariana Silva3D: Marcus Kulik, Bryce Stines, Miguel Delcan
- Animation team: Eric Edwards, Marcus Kulik, Roberto Brambila, Bryce Stines
- Producer: Andrew Kobliska
- Executive Producer: Sevrin Daniels
SOURCE: The New Blank