Writer-Director Nia DaCosta was challenged by Marvel Studios to take a trio of Super Heroes higher, further, faster… together. We are of course are talking about Marvel Stu...
Disney and Marvel’s latest MCU film The Marvels hits theaters this Friday with some showings as early as Thursday, but some lucky critics have already screened the film and ...
Nia DaCosta’s Candyman earned an estimated $22,370,000 in its opening domestic weekend, beating the lowball projection of $15 million by nearly 50% showing the world that the...
This looks truly terrifying. Oscar-winner Jordan Peele is unleashing fresh take on the blood-chilling urban legend: Candyman. Filmmaker Nia DaCosta (Little Woods, upcoming Capt...
Let's just cut (pun intended) to the chase. This trailer is scary AF. Yes. Yes it is. Universal Pictures has debuted the first official trailer for Nia DaCosta's upcoming horr...