Prepare for a chilling adventure in New York City as Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire releases its first teaser trailer. The film introduces a bone-chilling storm that descends upo...
Playboy Playmate and Ghostbusters actress Kymberly Herrin has passed away at 65. Herrin passed away peacefully on October 28, 2022, in Santa Barbara, CA, however news of her pa...
Academy Award nominee and producer and director of huge films such as Ghostbusters, Animal House, and the 1979 Bill Murray cult classic Meatballs, Ivan Reitman passed away peac...
November 19 can't get here fast enough if you're an OG Ghostbusters fan. But we are almost there as Sony has released its final trailer for Ghostbusters: Afterlife starring Pau...
If Netflix's Stranger Things and Stephen King's IT had a baby, the upcoming film Ghostbusters: Afterlife might just be the result. That's not a bad thing at all, especially com...