There are many tasty things that go with beer. Pretzels. Burgers. Pizza. Netflix. Really bad Netflix. However, ass is something the Reel 360 Team has never considered as a ride or die to a Pabst Blue Ribbon is well. But here we are with a clear anti-Dry January message.
The San Antonio-based brewer markets the flagship PRB brand along with Lone Star, Rainier, Schlitz, Old Style, National Bohemian, Stag, Stroh’s and Old Milwaukee.
So, either the official sponsor of Barstool Sports (that’s a joke) is really trying to get our attention or legal has off until January 4th. In case you’ve missed it, the beer has fired off some recent ‘Wet January’ tweets followed by a raunchy and NSFW tweet that’s going viral. Look below:
According to Ad Age, the initial tweet, was posted at 8:31 a.m. ET on Monday. The tweet seemed to be a reference to the brand’s Jan. 1 introduction of “Wet January,” a sexualized play on the “Dry January” public health campaign whose message is to limit alcohol consumption. The Pabst anti-Dry message featured illustrated artwork showing Pabst cans amid a Jet ski and dolphins.
Sure gets to the point.
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PBR is trash and they know they are tasty trash. And proud of it. Pabst is like that friendly hillbilly you run into a road trip.
It’s not completely clear if the PBR Twitter account was hacked or is just swinging for the fences on a chilly Dry-January morning. Maybe the social media manager had free reign. Maybe the social media manager downed a cast of PBR. You can’t argue that the tweets are attention-getting at the very least and fit the flavor of the brand.
As for the series of ‘PBR is Wet’ tweets, not too sure what they are selling here and if we don’t get it not too sure many others will.
So, let’s go eat some ass and have a Pabst. Cheers and welcome to 2022.
UPDATE: According to Ad Age, the blame can be laid at the feet of a rogue employee. That tweet has since been deleted.