The Franco-American Cultural Fund (FACF), a unique collaboration between the Directors Guild of America (DGA), the Motion Picture Association (MPA), France’s Society of Authors, Composers and Publishers of Music (SACEM) and the Writers Guild of America West (WGAW), announced today that the 2020 edition of the COLCOA French Film Festival will be postponed and carried forward to autumn of 2021.
The 2020 edition of this festival, specializing in premieres of French films and television series in Hollywood, was initially programmed for September 2020 at the Directors Guild of America on Sunset Boulevard. However, the festival will now take place from September 20-26th, 2021, the year of its 25th anniversary celebration.
ALSO READ: 23rd Colcoa French Film Festival announces winners
“This was a difficult decision to make.” explains Jean-Noël Tronc, President of the FACF and General Director of the SACEM. “We explored all possible options. Each festival is distinct and COLCOA, a prestigious and widely publicized event, offers a unique platform to promote French films and series in Hollywood at the beginning of the awards season.”
He noted, “Annually, the festival brings the highest-caliber French filmmakers and talent to Los Angeles for red carpet premieres, numerous panels and screenings, as well as the opportunity for high-profile collaborations between French and American professionals. In addition, more than 20,000 audience members – including journalists, students, industry professionals and the general public – attend the festival annually.”
With the continuing health situation in the United States, which is different from Europe at the moment, and the uncertainties that remain as to the situation in the autumn, the organizers of the festival cannot guarantee they will be able to provide a safe event that remains true to the mission of the festival.
The alternative possibility of a digital edition was deemed not compatible with COLCOA.
François Truffart, Executive Producer and Programmer of COLCOA explains, “We consider, in line with our colleagues from the Cannes or Locarno Festivals, that screenings in the theatres are fundamentally and symbolically important for all official premieres of a film in Hollywood and that this form of public event will remain necessary and popular even after the crisis.”
Truffart added, “However, we will integrate new digital tools in each future edition. Additionally, COLCOA is present throughout the year on social media and we will continue to support commercial promotion of French films and TV series in the United States.”
The Franco-American Cultural Fund is looking forward to greeting its partners, sponsors, audience and the Industry Professionals – most specifically the international buyers and distributors – in the Autumn of 2021, at the beginning of the Awards Season, to celebrate the 25th Anniversary of the festival.
SOURCE: Colcoa