What does it mean to kick the stigma around mental health? In “Kicking the Stigma”, created by Peter Berg’s Film 47 and edited by Daniel Luna of bicoastal Union, players and other members of the Indianapolis Colts organization – including former coach Tony Dungy – share their perspectives, and encourage others to do the same.
Colts center Ryan Kelly comments that, “For me, as a man, it’s about opening up.” “Not feeling too macho to tell someone when you’re feeling down,” says defensive end Kwity Paye. “Come join us,” says Kalen Jackson, vice chair and co-owner of the Indianapolis Colts with her father and sisters, “because we all feel this way.” Colts owner Jim Irsay (the Irsay family has owned the Colts since 1972) appears at the conclusion of the spot, which aired during the US Open. Berg creative directed and helmed the project. Watch below:
“We all deal with stuff,” says Luna, citing bipolar depression in his own family. “Humanity is tough, and I love being able to talk about it. When (Colts’ All-Pro linebacker) Shaquille Darius Leonard says, ‘It’s okay to feel not okay,’ that’s a sentiment that really connects with audiences.’
Over the past year, Leonard has spoken extensively about his own struggles adapting to loss of control over life and global events. Luna previously collaborated with Film 47 on the Rivian launch campaign. He is currently editing a longer form (7 minutes) expanded version, to be used in a fundraising effort for Kicking the Stigma.
In addition to Luna, the team at Union comprised Managing Partner Michael Raimondi, Editorial HOP Dani DuHadway, Editorial Producer Haydee Robles, Post/Effects by sister company Hunter, with Colorist & Lead Flame Artist Carolyn Woods and EP Logan Aries. The Sound Design was also done at Hunter, with Sound Designer Milos Zivkovic, who also did the mix.
Luna is currently working on a Hyundai campaign created by Culture Brands.
CLIENT: Indianapolis Colts
AGENCY: Film 47
- Creative Director: Peter Berg
- Executive Producer: Elizabeth Rogers
EDIT: Union Editorial
- Editor: Daniel Luna
- Cutting Assistant: Julia Armine
- Managing Partner: Michael Raimondi
- Editorial HOP: Dani DuHadway
- Editorial Producer: Haydee Robles
- Colorist & lead flame artist: Carolyn Woods
- EP: Logan Aries
- Sound Designer: Milos Zivkovic
- Mixer: Milos Zivkovic
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