God bless you Matthew Scott Hunter. Since Bud Light is bringing back its “Real Men of Genius” campaign, may we nominate Hunter for this? This real genius has combined his desire to have clean floors with his love of Star Wars and created an R2-D2-like Roomba. Meet R9-D9.
According to the story on tech site, Gizmondo, Hunter was inspired by a droid-looking garbage can in his garage. Hunter then found a lightweight can, created a dome head and upgraded it with legs made of stiff poster board and other items laying around his house.
And voila, an R9-D9 vacuum. In Iron Man colors. The Reel 360 Team must have one! Watch below:
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The entire droid weighs around 14 pounds, which is light enough for the Roomba to carry. According to Hunter, this added weight does not reduce the battery life.
He also added an an oscillating fan to make R9-D9’s head swivel, while a Bluetooth speaker hidden inside plays droid sounds as the robot goes through its cleaning routine.
We speak your name Matthew Scott Hunter. Disney and Lucasfilm Marketing get on this now. So says the Geek.
SOURCE: Gizmondo

The Geek is a working screenwriter, director and screenwriting instructor.