President Trump got some surprisingly good news as the June US unemployment rate fell to 11.1%. This is due to the economy adding a record 4.8 million jobs, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported on Thursday. The data was far more positive than economists projected, and the unemployment rate also fell more than expected. It was the second-consecutive month of growth after more than 20 million jobs were wiped out in April during the coronavirus lockdown.
But that didn’t stop conservative Super PAC The Lincoln Project releasing four new spots which portray the President as an out of touch racist and traitor.
In the first spot, “Betrayal,” ex-Navy Seal Dan Barkhuff addresses Trump ignoring (or not being briefed as the White House claims) intelligence reports that Russian President Vladimir Putin offered the Taliban bounties for killing American troops in Afghanistan.
“Months ago, Donald Trump learned that Russians were paying bounties for dead American soldiers in Afghanistan. He chose to do nothing about it. Any Commander in Chief with a spine would be stomping the living sh*t out of Russians right now. Diplomatically, economically…”
While the President was defending Confederate statues and flags, the Mississippi State Legislature voted to eliminate the flag, which is a symbol of hate. Lincoln Project immediately took advantage of this news.
“On Sunday June 28, 2020 the Mississippi State Legislature voted to take down the Confederate battle flag. A day, many felt would never come. But Donald Trump had a very different vision of America…”
ALSO READ: Lincoln Project says ‘lying President” tells the truth
This July 4th, President Trump plans to visit Mount Rushmore in South Dakota.
The mountain has long been a flashpoint for Native American activists. In 1971, protesters affiliated with the American Indian Movement occupied the monument and dubbed it “Mount Crazy Horse.”
The monument is also notable that it was carved by artist Gutzon Borglum, a known member of the Ku Klux Klan.
Finally, the Lincoln Project goes all out by presenting a spot with a Russian Voiceover. Watch below:
Conservative group The Lincoln Project, which was started by George Conway, the husband of President Trump advisor Kellyanne Conway, has responded with a new ad which calls Trump, “The most deceptive, lying President in History.”
According to CNBC, The Trump campaign’s Facebook ad spend hit more than $2.2 million between June 21 and June 27, according to Facebook’s Ad Library. That’s a big step up from the $1.26 million spent between June 14 and 20, and the $1.48 million spent the week before that.
By comparison, the Biden campaign spent a little more than $1.5 million from June 21 to 27.
SOURCE: The Lincoln Project