Publisher, Barbara Roche
gives a heartfelt
thank you
to the crew
at Reel Chicago
and Reel 360
Thank you to the crew at Reel Chicago and Reel 360, on Labor Day – and every day. Because not a day passes that I am not appreciative of all of your efforts in contributing to the success of the Reel.
It does not feel like MY magazine. It is the collaboration of all who fervently build on the groundwork of our founder, Ruth Ratny, who was indisputably the most diligent laborer of all.
To those who have accepted the torch passed by our dear friend and fearless founder, I thank you. For those were mighty big shoes to fill. By now, you have each found your unique voice and we all realize that it’s okay to be different than they way we were.
I’ve never been one to stay in my comfort zone so I am grateful for a like-minded crew. The Reel is thriving and I owe it to each of you.
Our Reel mission:
Raise them up. Support the little guys who need to tell their story. Support the growth of the Chicago film business. Keep the news real. And of course it’s nice to get a scoop in the process.
We celebrate this holiday that was created as tribute to the contributions workers have made to the strength, prosperity, and well-being of our country.
Thank you to my Reel crew,
Barbara Roche
Dan Patton
Editor, Reel Chicago
Colin Costello
Staff Writer, Reel Chicago & Reel 360
Joey Filer
Staff Writer & Video Journalist, Reel Chicago
Nancy Lasch
Julia Mariel Sarata
Summer Intern, Reel Chicago
In addition, thank you to our talented contributing writers.
And thank you to our advertisers. Your support keeps us working.
Have a safe and happy Labor Day!