In response to questions and input from representatives of the Los Angeles entertainment industry, the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health on Friday updated the guidelines that apply to film, television and commercial production in Greater Los Angeles.
The new guidelines, outlined in Appendix J of the Los Angeles County Health Officer Order, are applicable immediately to all current and future permits obtained through FilmLA. As before, all permit seekers must affirm their responsibility to abide by the Appendix J guidelines as a condition of film permit release.
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Here is a rundown of changes in the new Appendix J, as summarized by the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health:
- Hired audiences. Size of a hired audience is now limited to 50 people, and all must be hired by or on behalf of the production company or a 3rd party vendor for this purpose (e.g., actors, extras), and must not be members of the general public. The same group of people should be used as the hired audience throughout the production as much as possible.
- Special Events and Performances – submit safety plan in advance. Productions that are one-or limited-time special events or performances must submit a safety plan to Public Health for review at least 10 business days before the event is planned to occur. Submit plan to LiaisonCOVID19@ph.lacounty.gov.
- Testing. Pre-employment PCR testing is now required for all music, TV, and film productions, including short-term or one-time productions. Weekly testing of all cast, talent, performers, and crew is required during the production period at minimum. The majority of productions have already been meeting or exceeding this requirement and we really appreciate that.
- Exposure quarantine shortened to 10 days, but special precautions for Days 11-14. The required quarantine period for individuals who have been in close contact with a person diagnosed with COVID-19 has been shortened from 14 days to 10 days. Cast working during Days 11-14 may act without a face covering but must maintain 6 feet of distance. Hair and makeup stylists that absolutely must work during Days 11-14 of a quarantine must wear a face covering and face shield when near others. (Any other person working during Day 11-14 must follow the LA County Health Officer Blanket Order on Quarantine which requires maintaining both 6 feet or more of distance plus a face covering).
- Daily screening before work – ask if subject to any quarantine or isolation order. Screening of employees and visitors arriving to the worksite must include a check for whether the individual is currently under an isolation or quarantine order, not just asking about current symptoms.
- Increased use of face coverings in office areas. Face coverings must be worn by staff working in cubicles, including cubicles equipped with partitions. This is a temporary measure in compliance with the temporary HEALTH OFFICER ORDER issued on November 28, 2020. The requirement is effective from 12:01AM (PST) on November 30, 2020 until further notice.
- Face shields. Employees (e.g., hair, make-up stylists, costume or wardrobe assistance) who must regularly be in close contact with others must wear a face shield in addition to a face covering.
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If you have questions about the guidelines as they apply to your current filming plans, we welcome your call at 213-977-8600. Thank you for your continuing care for the health of our creative community. We join with you in support for filming in Greater Los Angeles.