The global foot of outrage against racism and police brutality is still pressing down on the gas pedal with no sign of braking. It was a powerful week that saw millions across the world – Black, White, Asian, Indian, LGBTQ+, old, young, in-between – come together and peacefully decry the systematic racism that has defined the United States for far too long.
It was also a week that saw President Trump and the DOJ tear-gas peaceful protestors in Washington D.C.’s Lafayette Park. Mayor Muriel Bowser answered back by literally taking #BlackLivesMatters to the streets and painting a the phrase on 16th Street, a central axis that leads southward straight to the White House.
And there was Batman. And Spider-man. And even, The Joker.
There was also a wedding.
Here’s a re-cap of last week’s historic protests, which were sparked by the brutal death of George Floyd at the hands of four Minneapolis police officers. His murder may truly be the shot that was heard around the world.
Here is a smattering of photos from last week:
Los Angeles
New York
ALSO READ: ALSO READ: President turns Bible Trumper after tear -gassing
Marin City
The U.K.
Washington D.C.
The message is very clear – enough is enough.