THE DGA RATIFIED its new collective bargaining agreements with the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers (AMPTP) by an overwhelming membership vote.
“Our major gains in SVOD residuals, together with our improvements in wages and pensions, were the result of our forward-thinking preparation,” said DGA president Paris Barclay.
“This new contract embodies what we knew was possible when we established our first New Media agreement nearly a decade ago. All our thanks go to our Negotiating Committee, led by co-chairs Michael Apted and Thomas Schlamme, and National Executive Director Jay Roth, as well as our Guild’s professional staff, for all their determination and hard work.”
Formal negotiations with the AMPTP began on Monday, Dec. 5, and concluded Friday, Dec. 23. Talks were led by Apted, Schlamme and Guild chief negotiator Roth. On Dec. 29, the DGA’s National Board of Directors unanimously recommended sending the contract to members for ratification. Ratification voting opened on Jan 4, and the results were finalized Jan. 25 after the deadline.
Gains include significant increases in SVOD residuals; increases in employer contributions to the pension plan; annual wage increases (2.5% in the first year, 3% in the second and third); increases in nearly all residuals bases; and a provision addressing the lack of TV directing opportunities for aspiring career directors.
The new agreement also includes provisions addressing safety, improvements in creative rights — including expanded rights of members when their work is shown theatrically as well as provisions addressing late scripts — and specific advances that pertain to members of the director’s team.
The new contract’s three-year term will take effect on July 1, 2017 and will run through June 30, 2020.