You’re hurting old people like me. Well not me… I’ll never see you.” So says Seinfeld co-creator and Curb Your Enthusiasm star Larry David, who has made a very Larry David PSA for the State of California urging people to stay at home and watch TV. California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) reported a total of 6,932 confirmed coronavirus cases in the state Tuesday.
The California governor said 1,617 of those who tested positive are hospitalized, with 657 in intensive care. There have been 629 new cases since Sunday at 2 p.m., the last available data posted on the California Department of Public Health.
The new video was tweeted out by Newsom’s office yesterday.
David targets the “idiots”–“you know who you are”–who were not practicing social distancing and potentially hurting their elderly relatives.
Listen to Larry David:
— Gavin Newsom (@GavinNewsom) March 31, 2020
“You’re hurting old people like me. Well, not me…I’ll never see you.” #StayHomeSaveLives pic.twitter.com/1f79k9I0q7
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In the video, David tells the “idiots” they are passing up a great, “once in a lifetime” excuse for just sitting inside and watching television, then adds it may be because they were not that bright.
“Go home, watch TV. That’s my advice to you,” he says. He points out that if they had seen Curb Your Enthusiasm, they knew that nothing good ever happens going outside the house. “Don’t see anyone, except maybe if there is a plumbing emergency, then wipe down the house after he leaves. But that’s it.”
The series just wrapped its 10th season on HBO. It was “pretty, pretty” good.

Colin Costello is the West Coast Editor of Reel 360. Contact him at colin@reel360.com or follow him on Twitter at @colinthewriter1