Barbaras Rhabarberbar song and dance has taken over TikTok

Barbaras Rhabarberbar

Here’s a TikTok trend even our publisher Barbara Roche could get behind. The Barbara’s Rhubarb Bar song revolves around a catchy German tongue twister turned rap song that has gone viral on the platform. The song, originally a tongue twister called Barbaras Rhabarberbar by musical comedian Bodo Wartke and content creator Marti Fischer, narrates a nonsensical story about a woman named Barbara and her famous rhubarb cakes.

The lyrics describe Barbara’s journey from making rhubarb cakes to opening a bar called Barbara’s Rhabarber Bar, frequented by barbarians who eventually become her friends and change their ways. The humor and wordplay in the lyrics add to the song’s charm, making it a delightful earworm even for those who don’t understand German.

The original video by Wartke and Fischer has garnered millions of views on TikTok and YouTube, showcasing the widespread appeal of this quirky and amusing song. Watch below:

Despite many TikTok users not understanding the German lyrics, the song’s catchy rhythm has made it incredibly popular. This popularity was amplified by TikTok creators @steph_who___ and @Christina Stasii, who choreographed a dance to the song.

Then came Part 2:

The popularity of the song has introduced global audiences to the German tradition of celebrating seasonal produce. In Germany, rhubarb, alongside strawberries and white asparagus (spargel), becomes a focal point of culinary excitement each spring. This seasonal obsession contrasts with the year-round availability of produce in many other countries, making the German approach feel like a celebration of nature’s cycles.

Despite the song’s viral reach, actual rhubarb sales in Germany have not surged correspondingly, according to The New York Times. The primary consumers of rhubarb are older adults, a demographic less likely to engage with TikTok trends. However, the cultural phenomenon surrounding the song and its amusing, tongue-twisting lyrics has brought attention to this seasonal favorite in a unique way.

The rap’s success has even led to Wartke and Fischer receiving invitations to high-profile events and discussions about representing Germany in the Eurovision competition. The creators are leveraging this moment to release more content, hoping to extend their viral fame beyond the spring rhubarb season.

Overall, while the Barbara’s Rhubarb Bar rap has captivated millions with its catchy tune and clever wordplay, it also serves as a delightful entry point into understanding and appreciating Germany’s seasonal food traditions.

Start dancing, Barbara Roche.

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Barbaras Rhabarberbar

Here’s a TikTok trend even our publisher Barbara Roche could get behind. The Barbara’s Rhubarb Bar song revolves around a catchy German tongue twister turned rap song that has gone viral on the platform. The song, originally a tongue twister called Barbaras Rhabarberbar by musical comedian Bodo Wartke and content creator Marti Fischer, narrates a nonsensical story about a woman named Barbara and her famous rhubarb cakes.

The lyrics describe Barbara’s journey from making rhubarb cakes to opening a bar called Barbara’s Rhabarber Bar, frequented by barbarians who eventually become her friends and change their ways. The humor and wordplay in the lyrics add to the song’s charm, making it a delightful earworm even for those who don’t understand German.

The original video by Wartke and Fischer has garnered millions of views on TikTok and YouTube, showcasing the widespread appeal of this quirky and amusing song. Watch below:

Despite many TikTok users not understanding the German lyrics, the song’s catchy rhythm has made it incredibly popular. This popularity was amplified by TikTok creators @steph_who___ and @Christina Stasii, who choreographed a dance to the song.

Then came Part 2:

The popularity of the song has introduced global audiences to the German tradition of celebrating seasonal produce. In Germany, rhubarb, alongside strawberries and white asparagus (spargel), becomes a focal point of culinary excitement each spring. This seasonal obsession contrasts with the year-round availability of produce in many other countries, making the German approach feel like a celebration of nature’s cycles.

Despite the song’s viral reach, actual rhubarb sales in Germany have not surged correspondingly, according to The New York Times. The primary consumers of rhubarb are older adults, a demographic less likely to engage with TikTok trends. However, the cultural phenomenon surrounding the song and its amusing, tongue-twisting lyrics has brought attention to this seasonal favorite in a unique way.

The rap’s success has even led to Wartke and Fischer receiving invitations to high-profile events and discussions about representing Germany in the Eurovision competition. The creators are leveraging this moment to release more content, hoping to extend their viral fame beyond the spring rhubarb season.

Overall, while the Barbara’s Rhubarb Bar rap has captivated millions with its catchy tune and clever wordplay, it also serves as a delightful entry point into understanding and appreciating Germany’s seasonal food traditions.

Start dancing, Barbara Roche.

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