This is good news for The Batman fans.
It’s no secret that Warners Bros. has had a hard time getting the DCEU (DC Extended Universe) off the ground. What started promisingly with 2013’s Man of Steel has skydived into a veritable mess… save for 2017’s Wonder Woman.
That mess was exacerbated two weeks ago, when it was reported that Henry Cavill had left the role of Superman and WB had no plans to bring the Boy Scout back to the screen for some time, instead choosing to focus on Supergirl, his cousin.
Add to that various conflicting reports on Ben Affleck’s return (or if he is gone as well) have been have been maddening to say the least. And now there is so much pressure on Aquaman, Wonder Woman 84 and Shazam! to be hits.
It makes a DCEU fan like myself want to scream, “Stop the madness Warner Bros.”
Now, maybe our prayers have been partially answered.
A few weeks ago, it became known through outlets that Matt Reeves had turned in the first draft of his screenplay. What did the studio think of the script?
The Wrap reports claims that WB loves the screenplay, with a summer 2019 production start likely. News like this is good. Matt Reeves is a fantastic filmmaker, having proven himself with two Planet of the Apes films and Cloverfield.
If the 2019 start date does happen, then we could be looking forwrad to two Gotham-set film with Cathy Yan’s Birds of Prey also scheduled for release in 2020.
Let’s hope so.