Dwayne Johnson announced on his Youtube Channel, a five-minute video that he’s endorsing the Democratic ticket of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, this is the first time he’s ever publicly endorsed a candidate for office.
Johnson stated, “Look, I’ve got friends in all parties, but the one thing we can always agree on is the conversation and the dialogue, and where that conversation lands is always the most critical part. I have been a lucky guy over the years, in my life and my career to have been part of and participated in some real defining moments, and I’ve never publicly endorsed a presidential candidate or vice presidential candidate in my life, over my career… You guys are both obviously experienced to lead.”
The star of Jumanji and the Fast and Furious franchise, who has described himself as an independent, went on to praise Biden, for his “great compassion and heart and drive, but also soul” and called Harris, “smart, tough.”
Johnson referenced his relationship with his late father, who passed away in January at age 75. “Joe, you and I have talked about the relationship that you had with your father. This idea of respect and earning respect that our parents have taught us. My dad always said, ‘Respect is given when it is earned.’
He continued to question Biden and Harris: “How will the both of you earn the respect of all the American people once you’re in the White House?” Biden was the first to answer Johnson’s question, noting how he and Harris have to be honest with the public.
“By doing what we say we’re going to do. By keeping our word. By leveling with the American people. By taking responsibility. When we fail, acknowledge it. We’re not going to be perfect, but take responsibility. Say, ‘This is what I’m going to do, this is what I believe and tell the truth.’ That sounds so basic, but the American people are strong, they’re tough, they can take anything if you level with them, and tell the truth,” he said.
“And one of the ways we’re going to do it is to demonstrate we mean what we say. Our administration, DJ, is going to look like America. It’s going to be representative of all of America.”
ALSO READ: Teamsters endorse Joe Biden and Kamala Harris
Harris echoed Biden’s theme of honesty, telling Johnson: “As we know, the nature of trust is that, like Joe was saying and as you’ve said, it’s a reciprocal relationship. You give and you receive trust. And one of the foundations of trust is truth. You must speak truth but here’s the reality: truth can sometimes be really difficult to hear and for that reason sometimes people don’t speak it. But you cannot have trust if you don’t speak truth. You know that as a parent, we know that as parents, you have to speak truth.”
She added, “And as long as there is an understanding that it is being spoken not to confront, not to hurt, but to deal with things, the way they must be handled. That has to be part of the core of what we do as we go forward because to your point, we’re facing as a country so many challenges and people are grieving. I mean, people are grieving the loss of life, the loss of jobs, the loss of certainty, the loss of normalcy and to heal and get through this we’re gonna have to be honest about what healing will require. That’s one of the things that Joe and I really do have in common, which is we’re motivated by healing, but we know to do that, we have to be honest about what it’s going to take.”
On Tuesday, September 29, 2020, Biden will take part in his first debate against President Donald Trump. The Cleveland event, moderated by Fox News’ Chris Wallace, will cover six topics: “The Trump and Biden Records,” “The Supreme Court,” “COVID-19,” “The Economy,” “Race and Violence in our Cities” and “The Integrity of the Election.”
SOURCE: People