CBS announced its 2023-2024 primetime programming lineup of CBS Originals, featuring three new dramas, one new comedy, special event programming and 22 returning series.
NBC has announced their fall schedule of new and original series that feature dominant dramas, Tuesday laughs, beloved unscripted hits, fan-favorite event programming and a new...
If you're a writer (guild or non-guild) you may want to reconsider if you've been thinking about crossing the picket lines in Los Angeles, New York, Chicago and Atlanta. The Wr...
Just hours after resigning as the head of ad sales from NBCUniversal, Elon Musk said Friday that Linda Yaccarino will be Twitter's next CEO. Musk said Yaccarino "will focus pri...
This past Wednesday, CNN featured former president Donald Trump in a town hall at St. Anselm College in New Hampshire. Moderated by CNN's Kaitlan Collins, Trump behaved as expe...