Montreal-based Sid Lee has named Cam Levin as its chief creative officer of Sid Lee USA.
He will be responsible for the company’s creative work in Seattle, New York and Los Angeles.
Adweek was the first to break this story.
According to the story, Levin, a 20-plus-year advertising vet was chosen for the role because of his international experience in entertainment, advertising, communications and design.
“He’s a compassionate, understated and thoughtful leader with a real touch for the craft of our work,” said Sid Lee USA chief executive Andy Bateman, who joined Sid Lee from Deloitte in May.
Bateman notes, “But he also brings a flair to our work that gives it its epic storytelling nature – and that’s so much of what I’m learning Sid Lee is about. What I like most about Cam is that he’s a maker with creative dexterity across concept through production in campaigns, marketing, live-event activations, program promotion, video, social and brand design.”
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Levin’s awards include Promax Awards, Dodifferent Awards, shortlists at Cannes Lions, and the UK’s M&M Global Awards. He has worked in TV and entertainment for MTV and Vice and in advertising for brands like Guinness, Adidas and Mini, and has written for and directed Justin Timberlake, Tom Cruise and Sacha Baron Cohen’s Borat character. Here’s a look
“I’m incredibly excited to be joining Sid Lee’s amazing creative culture, to help bring together and support the awesome breadth of talented and passionate thinkers and makers we have across all the offices in the States, to help shape what it means to be a next-generation creative company, and to elevate our work to incredible, fresh and iconoclastic heights,” Levin said.
Reel 360 wishes Cam Levin all the best.
SOURCE: Adweek