As the Coronavirus spreads, the outbreak is already playing a role in the upcoming 2020 presidential election. With response to President Trump’s address regarding the virus tepid at best, Democratic presidential hopeful Mike Bloomberg has aired a three-minute TV commercial Sunday night. The spot subtly criticizes Trump’s response and highlights Bloomberg’s own experience in handling crisis.
Titled “Leadership in Crisis,” the spot aired on CBS and NBC. Ad Age estimates the costs for the broadcasts were between $1.5 million and $2 million each.
Airing just ahead of Super Tuesday, the style is deliberately presidential. Bloomberg stands in room that is designed to resemble the oval office. The 78-year-old candidate stands in front of an American flag and speaks to camera as if it were a presidential address. It is smartly done.
Bloomberg says that at times of crisis, “the public wants to know that their leader is trained, informed and respected. When a problem arises, they want someone in charge who can marshal facts and expertise to confront the problem.”
He also refers to his experience in public health management while mayor of New York City between 2001 and 2013, which he says included dealing with “a hurricane, a blackout, attempted terror attacks, the West Nile virus and swine flu”. Watch below:
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The ad was followed by a pair of tweets from the White House.
Mini Mike Bloomberg’s consultants and so-called “advisors”(how did that advice work out? Don’t ask!), are on the “gravy train” and all making a fortune for themselves pushing Mini hard, when they knew he never had what it takes. Don’t pay them anymore Mike, they led you down….
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 1, 2020
…..a very dark and lonely path! Your reputation will never be the same!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 1, 2020
According to the New York Times, on NBC Bloomberg’s ad will run “during Little Big Shots, a variety show featuring child performers hosted by the [actor] Melissa McCarthy.”
Ad Age and The Guardian contributed to this article.

Colin Costello is the West Coast Editor of Reel 360. Contact him at colin@reel360.com or follow him on Twitter at @colinthewriter1