The Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) is set to welcome back one of its most iconic villains, as James Spader reprises his role as Ultron in the upcoming Disney+ series centered ...
From the very beginning, WandaVision was shrouded in mystery as to how Vision (Paul Bettany) came back to the living in Westview, New Jersey, after being brutally killed by ma...
If you tuned into Disney+ and Marvel’s new weekly show WandaVision for the sweet nostalgia, but had no knowledge of the infinity saga, Episode 4, We Interrupt This Program mi...
A mash-up of classic sitcoms and large-scale cinematic action, WandaVision—Marvel Studios’ first series for Disney+—is an ambitious, genre-bending adventure unlike any o...
Today is the day. Disney and Marvel who are thirsty for something new, the drought ends today. The Disney+ exclusive series WandaVision which premieres Friday, January 15, 2021...
It's a good day to be a Geek... especially if you are a Disney, LucasFilm or Marvel geek. Last night’s Emmy's revealed the trailer for WandaVision, which could be the first m...