The critically acclaimed adult-animated series, Harley Quinn has officially been renewed for a fifth season.
The fourth season follows Harley Quinn, voiced by executiv...
While Gotham City Sirens may have been relegated to the realms of unmade superhero films, the characters still resonate in the minds of fans.
A recent Halloween stunt ...
HarlIvy will be back! The critically-acclaimed Max Original adult-animated series Harley Quinn has been renewed for a fourth season, ahead of the season three finale on Se...
Blood, guts and quite likely the most f-bombs to ever be featured in a Red Band trailer are what you will find in the latest trailer from Warner Bros Animation for the third se...
The third season of the critically-acclaimed Max Original adult-animated comedy series Harley Quinn debuts with three episodes Thursday, July 28 on HBO Max, followed by one...
Earlier this month, two incredibly talented cosplayers, and quite possibly gifted sorceresses, russian_harley_official and mimisskate (Kate Shumskaya) teamed up to create a DC ...
Back in June, Marvel’s Loki on Disney+ nearly broke the internet when the two variants of the genderfluid god of mischief subtly admitted they were bisexual. Here we are agai...
When James Gunn's The Suicide Squad opens in theaters and streams on HBO Max August 6, Margot Robbie will return to the role of fan-favorite psycho, Harley Quinn. She previousl...
Right now we are less than 24 hours away from the premiere of Zack Snyder's Justice League on HBO Max. While it is sitting at a comfortable 77% (at the time of this writing) on...
Harley Quinn’s complete first streaming season is about to hit SYFY, starting in May. It’s the first-ever TV debut for the fan favorite trash-talking twisted genius outs...
That was fast. Although box office tracking for Birds of Prey (and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn) initially came in at $50 million domestically before Thur...
Ummmmm, maybe we were wrong about Warner Bros. newest DC Comics film, Birds of Prey (And the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn)? The film which stars Margot Robbie ...
This is a surprise. Typically, studios do not release trailers on Thursday or they at least give 24 hours warning. Neither is the case with Warner Bros final trailer for Bird...