Coca-Cola has unveiled its new global campaign, "It's Magic When the World Comes Together," to celebrate the 'Real Magic' of human connection and the power of inclusivity at th...
In an unprecedented move that merges two titans of pop culture, The Walt Disney Company and Coca-Cola have joined forces to launch Coca-Cola x Marvel: The Heroes. This innovati...
Coca-Cola is set to enchant audiences this festive season with its latest endeavor, The Santa Stories. With a mission to amplify the spirit of 'Real Magic' and human connectio...
According to the Lunar New Year Zodiac, the Rabbit is the luckiest of the twelve animals – Production company, Hornet has reunited with Ogilvy Shanghai for the second Lunar N...
This is surely a lump of coal in Coca-Cola's media and creative agencies. The beverage giant announced today Wednesday that it has launched a global agency review of all partne...
One of the more positive aspects of having to quarantine during the novel coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic, is that we have been able to spend quality time with those closest to u...
The Starbucks mermaid is telling Facebook and other social media channels to kiss her fin. The coffee chain is now the latest company to take a break from paid advertising on s...
Coca-Cola released a pair of online films celebrating the power of the human spirit to persevere through the coronavirus pandemic. The spots, which the brand will share via so...
Brands continue to react to the new edict of social distancing due to the rampant spread of the normal coronavirus COVID-19. Yesterday, we showed you how McDonald's separated i...
Oh those dots. You know 'em. And we at Reel 360 hate 'em. The blinking dots of hell that appear on your smartphone when you have texted someone and are waiting - for what see...